Teenage is the Age of discovery and pleasure, it when you start messing with emotions and feelings
Quotes are a great way to express these newly discovered powers, so here we have collection of some great teenage love quotes
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When I see you my heart jumps like its
on cocaine.
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Find the guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who won’t get mad at you
when you yell, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or
will stay awake just to watch you sleep, for the boy who kisses your forehead,
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your
hand in front of who knows who, who thinks you’re pretty without makeup on. Who
won’t leave you when he has to be somewhere, and can’t stay away from you in a
love way…Find a guy like Edward Cullen.
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what is love ? love is finding that one girl that means more to you than the
whole world, and when you find her you fight for her, you risk it all because in
your heart you no love means is being with her .
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You are sweeter then sugar, I got a sugar rush every time I thought about you.
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It's 2 am. I look at the ceiling and think of you.
Remember when we first kissed? How I stuttered and blushed and how you hugged me
tight and smiled, embarrassed.
Remember when we first hugged? I was so excited, and barely made my arms all the
way around your chest. You laughed at me.
Remember when we danced? I stepped on your toes and you pressed me against you
like nothing happened.
Remember all the good times? How could you let my mistakes affect what we had?
Remember what you said? What I said?
I'll remember forever, and think of you everyday. But the thing that hurts the
most, is seeing you walk away.
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For once in my life, I don't have to try to be happy when I am with you, it just happens.
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Love out there, somewhere, waiting for you to fall on it. Where it will take you
and who it will take you to...on love knows, but when you find it, you'll know
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You Make My Heart Sing Out In A Room Full Of Silence.
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Love isn't about the words we say, the actions we take, the things we do, or even the hearts we break.. but its about the people who can look at each other and JUST KNOW
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love comes from like and like comes from life. so love is life. no matter what u
got, the matter is that you got the mean of your life
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why should anyone waste their life trying to find the perfect person to love? in
my heart, I know that GOD will send me him. I will no it when I see it.
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when I see you.......... my heart skips a beat.....and my asthma acts
up..........someone send me an ambulance...........your arrival has sent me into
an attack.......... if only I could be with u......... but that's not possible
in anyway.........oooo I love you so much!!!!!! HELP ME!! PLEASE!!!!
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but my heart saying, You are the Meaning...
im afraid of falling again ' she wishers, then she turns around thinking no one
was there, but she sees the boy she loves standing there with a smile on his
face saying ' i'll catch you, I promise
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Another day past by your side another moment not to forget
Another kiss on your lips another reason not to leave you
Another tear on your face another reason not to break your heart
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if I'm not up all night thinking about you, I'm asleep dreaming about you
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My obsession!, when u find yourself in a completely dark room!, flooded with
blood!, and no ventilator's!, booming loud enough to burst ur heart! and
eardrum!, Don't be afraid! coz u are in a very safe place!- you ARE IN MY
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once upon a time in a place only in my heart was you!
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You might have seen the angles in the sky
You might have seen the beauty of the moon when breezing..
You might have seen the things only you can dream.....
But you have not seen anything beautiful than my heart................which has
your love
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Every heart has a reflection
Every reflection has a feel
Every feel has a meaning....
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I’m not saying I have nothing. I’m not saying I’m gone completely. It’s
just sometimes it’s all a bit too much to handle, sometimes I feel like
it’s too much. I’m not going to do anything stupid because I know it will
get better, it has to right? Otherwise there wouldn’t be anyone who would
live past their teenage years. But for now, just for now, it hurts.
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If I could tell you one thing, I guess it would be that I love hearing your
voice and that your smile just happens to brighten my entire day
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