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  Author    Would you rather ........  (currently 9,270 views)
Posted on: December 29th, 2007, 5:23am Quote Report to Moderator
Maximum Member

love, hurt and learn to love again..

Gender: Female
Posts: 515
golf - i dont know how to play it..
cricket - mostly here pakistans & indians are more interested with that game and still i dont know how to play it!

can i just have basketball?

well, for the sake of those choices given, i think ill go for golf (seems i wanna try it)..

which is better - bowling or billiards?

>>>> crazy love <<<<  
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Private Message Reply: 495 - 519
Posted on: December 29th, 2007, 5:43pm Quote Report to Moderator
Maximum Member

Happiness is all around,you just have to look

Gender: Male
Posts: 554
 Billiards I did the bowling thing a number of years ago and found it got boring very quick, I like pool as well they're more mathematical based.

If you were to learn a musical instrument would you prefer a guitar or piano ?

Lifes what you make it....I'm making mud pies  
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Private Message Reply: 496 - 519
Posted on: January 3rd, 2008, 9:07am Quote Report to Moderator
Baby Member

Waiting for my luck to turn around...

Gender: Male
Posts: 29
I would have to say both...

The guitar has many different varieties of sound but you can't beat the classic sound of a grand piano.

Would you rather have 10 innocent men go to jail or 1 guilty man go free?
(Only pick one, I know it's a tough one)
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Private Message Reply: 497 - 519
Posted on: January 5th, 2008, 6:01pm Quote Report to Moderator
Maximum Member

Happiness is all around,you just have to look

Gender: Male
Posts: 554
Tsk-Tsk now now LJ You can't go picking both and expect others to only pick one that's not how the game goes, you only get one choice.

 Anyway my answer would be to let one guilty man go free simply because the odds of that person screwing up in the future is good so he's going to get nailed and wind up in jail anyhow.

 You have a choice of vacations would you spend it at the bottom of the ocean or on Mars ?  

Lifes what you make it....I'm making mud pies  
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Private Message Reply: 498 - 519
Posted on: January 1st, 1970, 12:00am Quote Report to Moderator
Maximum Member

love, hurt and learn to love again..

Gender: Female
Posts: 515
ON MARS! at least ill know whats with that lanet why everyone now is very curios about..

which u will prefer - to be terminated on the job which u like & love most or to get hired with good salary on one job which u dont like & its not your line of path??...

>>>> crazy love <<<<  
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Private Message Reply: 499 - 519
Posted on: July 17th, 2009, 8:37am Quote Report to Moderator
Guest User

I would choose the job i really like, cuz it's the first factor which matters for me...

Would you rather refuse sex or food in your life?

Revision History (1 edits)
jada  -  July 17th, 2009, 8:39am
e-mail Reply: 500 - 519
Posted on: July 18th, 2009, 5:09am Quote Report to Moderator

Gender: Male
Posts: 1,824
Sex.  As much as I love it, I can't live for long on sex alone.

Would you rather have really bad sex whenever you want OR awesome, mind-blowing, can't-walk-straight-for-a-week sex only once per year?
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Private Message YIM MSN Reply: 501 - 519
M a n i
Posted on: December 7th, 2009, 11:47pm Quote Report to Moderator
Baby Member

Which horse?!

Gender: Female
Posts: 3
I'd love to see someone wait for a year .. not possible unless ur above 50!

Nah, bad sex is alrite.

Would u rather die hanged or shot?

. : Ever wondered what's your "word"? : .

Revision History (1 edits)
M a n i  -  December 7th, 2009, 11:48pm
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Private Message MSN Reply: 502 - 519
Posted on: February 20th, 2010, 3:59pm Quote Report to Moderator

Gender: Male
Posts: 1,824

Would you rather have a cigarette and no matches or matches and no cigarette?
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Private Message YIM MSN Reply: 503 - 519
Posted on: September 24th, 2010, 5:38pm Quote Report to Moderator
Maximum Member

Happiness is all around,you just have to look

Gender: Male
Posts: 554
That's a no brainer matches and no cigarette because I don't smoke

You go skydiving and half way down you find that your parachute won't open and you're going to die, as you're hurtling towards the earth would you rather be face down and know when the end is near or face up and never know when it's about to happen.    

Lifes what you make it....I'm making mud pies  
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Private Message Reply: 504 - 519
Posted on: November 1st, 2010, 7:35pm Quote Report to Moderator

Gender: Male
Posts: 1,824
Face down...  Then again, I'm guessing my heart attack would kill be before impact...

You were on a cruise ship that was shipwrecked.  You are one of the 50 survivors who landed on a small island.  The island isn't big enough to provide food for everyone.  You've been there for 2 months, food is running low, and civility is starting to go out the window.  Would you rather fashion a raft and set out to sea in hopes of being found OR stay on the island and hope for rescue before people resort to factions/cannibalism/anarchy/etc.?
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Private Message YIM MSN Reply: 505 - 519
Posted on: November 9th, 2010, 5:28pm Quote Report to Moderator
Maximum Member

Happiness is all around,you just have to look

Gender: Male
Posts: 554
"Fashion a raft and set out to sea in hopes of being found" any rescues are usually called off before 2 months and I can't stand the taste of my own blood let alone someone else's .
  I just watched "Lord of the flies" a couple of weeks ago and it always freaks me out.(that might have some bearing on my answer as well)

  You're driving down a long hill and at the bottom of the hill is a solid stone wall, you're doing about 40 MPH your brakes give out, by the time the car reaches the wall it will be doing 80.  Do you tuck and roll now at 40 or do you stay with the car and hope you survive an impact at 80?

Lifes what you make it....I'm making mud pies  
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Private Message Reply: 506 - 519
Posted on: November 9th, 2010, 7:35pm Quote Report to Moderator

Gender: Male
Posts: 1,824
Tuck and Roll.  (Although, in reality, I'd probably just downshift to first and swerve left and right to try and slow it down a bit...  Once I got it down enough or the engine blows, I'd throw it in park.)

Similar situation for you...  I assume you don't know how to fly a plane...  If you do, this whole scenario is pointless...  So here goes...  

You win a free tour of the Grand Canyon (or some other big landmark) by airplane.  It's a small single engine plane.  Before takeoff, the pilot shows you how to use a parachute.  Mid-flight, the pilot has a heart attack and dies.  Do you try to fly the plane and land safely or do you put on the parachute and jump?

PART TWO:  Would your answer be different if the pilot was still alive, but unconscious?
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Private Message YIM MSN Reply: 507 - 519
Posted on: November 12th, 2010, 2:02pm Quote Report to Moderator
Maximum Member

Happiness is all around,you just have to look

Gender: Male
Posts: 554
 No I don't fly so
 Part 1: If the pilot had no family or friends to return to I'd take the parachute other than that I'd try to land the plane to make sure that the death was easier for family & friends

Part 2: It would all depend on how much the SOB charged for the tour.  > LOL

 Your house is on fire and your pets (1 cat and 1 dog both of which you love ) are trapped inside. The house is about to collapse in on itself, the cat is at one end of the house and the dog is at the other and you only have time to rescue one, which one it it.

Lifes what you make it....I'm making mud pies  
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Private Message Reply: 508 - 519
Posted on: November 13th, 2010, 7:22am Quote Report to Moderator

Gender: Male
Posts: 1,824
Dog.  I hate cats.  Even when I had a cat, I hated it after about a week.  Plus, I could probably just open the door, yell for the dog, and he'd come running on his own.  The stubborn, idiot, jagwad cat would sit there and wait for me to go get him.  Selfish furry prick.

Five minutes before your best friend's wedding, you're frantically looking for a bathroom at the church.  You walk into a room and see the bride making out with another guy you recognize as her ex-boyfriend.  They don't notice as you take picture of them with your cell phone.  

PART ONE:  Would you rather say something to someone or say nothing and let the wedding continue as planned?

PART TWO:  If you would say something...  Would you rather confront the bride, the groom, or tell everyone at the church when the priest says, "Does anyone object to this union?"
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Private Message YIM MSN Reply: 509 - 519
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