After making sure that what I saw was actually what I saw, not just a peck on the cheek but a full on game of tonsil hockey I'd feel compelled o say something for my best friends sake.
2: I'd show the groom the picture on my cell phone and let him figger it out for himself.
You're out scuba diving with a friend you are both down about 60 feet and your friend runs out of air and you are just about out do you would you try to buddy breath (Share the last of your air) in hopes of reaching the surface or do you make a run to the surface in hopes of finding a tank with air and take it back to him.
Buddy Breathe... It'll be tight, but 60 feet is doable... Plus, if I'm almost out, that would mean I'd have to drop my tanks and get new ones anyway before going back down...
You're the winner of a futuristic "crazy a**" lottery... You have three choices: 1> $10,000 in cash and call it a day. 2> Spend 2 years in a minimum security prison with white collar criminals for $1,000,000. 3> Spend 6 months in a maximum security prison with murderers and rapists for $10,000,000. (If you don't survive, your family still gets the money, plus a $5,000,000 bonus.)
Spend the 2 years in a minimum security prison with white collar criminals for $1,000,000
Theoretically you could invest the 1 mil in government bonds and live off the interest for the rest of your life just so long as you didn't go nuts on spending. Besides you cold learn some interesting stuff on how to beat the system from the other inmates.
Would you rather travel round your own country on foot or travel round the world by plane?
World by plane... I've done a good deal of the major landmarks in the US already... The only places I really haven't been are New England and Alaska...
Would you rather traverse the 7 seas on a cruise ship stopping at established points of interest or sail the oceans on your own yacht stopping wherever and whenever you wanted?
Maybe it makes me look shallow, but I'd rather be rich in money. The way I see it, money CAN buy happiness in that I would be happy knowing that I would never be homeless, I would be able to provide for a family, I would be able to pay for college educations, and I would be able to spend more time on hobbies I enjoy (and less time working to pay the bills and save for retirement).
Would you rather have a giant wedding with hundreds of friends and relatives *OR* a small wedding with only about 20 of your closest friends and relatives?
Wow, that really depends... The creative side of me says I'd like to buy an old Victorian home and renovate it to pristine (and historically accurate) condition... I wouldn't do this with a more contemporary home though (for example, I wouldn't want to renovate a house built in or after about 1945). I've done renovations on homes that were built in the 1950's and 1970's. It's nice to update them, but it's a pain the a** and you still have to live with a design that was appropriate for that era. For example, a lot of houses built before 1960 only have a one car garage because back then, having two cars was only for the wealthy. That's not true today by any means. I mean, I'm one guy and I own five cars!
In all reality, I would probably just design and build my own home. That way, I have it built to my specifications and can design it to fit my needs perfectly. First would be a six car garage, extra deep, with an attached workshop (I restore cars, make stained glass murals, and dabble in woodworking). The rest of the house could be a kitchen, bathroom, and one bedroom for all I care. LOL
So, that's my answer... Design it myself.
Would you rather be famous for doing something bad/evil *OR* be famous for doing something stupid?
It depends on whether or not I could keep certain aspects of my current life. If I could, then I'd change everything else. If I had to lose a couple things in my current life, I'd keep it as it is.
Would you rather be a Hollywood movie star or a rock star?