Im in a 2 year relationship that's very boring and unpredicatable.I recently met someone who made my life exciting ,came on a visit visa looking for a job He's engaged and is expecting a child soon. we started doing things which was not suppuse to happen but I did it thinking he's not yet married and anyway,he's girlfrined does not know and my partner does not know either but one day he cried saying he feels very guilty already and felt like he wants us to stop it but I dont want to stop. My question is ,Is it so bad to cheat knowing we are not yet both married? Why is he crying? no one is going to know about it? As long as you are not married in the eyes of God,Cheating is not bad right?????or I'm the only one feeling this way??am I sinning to God if im doing this??
Even if you don’t consider it as sin you are still betraying someone… which itself is pretty bad imo .. how would you feel if your 2 yr bf also did the same to you ?
.. as I can't force you to love me, I can't force myself to stop loving you .. Broke my heart ..but I Love you with Every piece of it ..
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