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Rating: +23 (from 57 votes)

Love hurts, love scars, love wounds
And mars, any heart
Not tough or stong enough
To take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain
Love is like a cloud
Holds a lot of rain
Love hurts……ooh,ooh love hurts

I’m young, I know, but even so
I know a thing or two
And I learned from you
I really learned a lot, really learned a lot
Love is like a flame
It burns you when it’s hot
Love hurts……ooh,ooh love hurts

Some fools think of happiness
Blissfulness, togetherness
Some fools fool themselves I guess
They’re not foolin’ me

I know it isn’t true, I know it isn’t true (repeat)

Love is just a lie
Made to make you blue
Love hurts……ooh,ooh love hurts
ooh,ooh love hurts

VN:F [1.9.3_1094]
Rating: +23 (from 57 votes)

4 Comments for this entry

  • alma umali says:

    it a month ago we separate our way,but the time i am alone your name comes in mind?i rmember all the memories we share,fr all the promise u break it,,its really hurt me deeply?til now i ask myself hw long to forget u ,hw to healed my broken heart,,,

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  • Michele says:

    This song is so true for me..I miss the person I met 13 years ago. It feels like only yesterday. I dream about him, think about him all of the time, I’m hurting, going crazy..I wish he was next to me, he was the one for me..I wish he felt the sameway..I will never know. maybe someday? I love him with all of my heart and soul, I yearn for him..I hurt for him..

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  • gracee says:

    this song is very memorable, a funny memorable.. my husband used to have tattoo, both our names had on it, whenever he sed that it was hurt (on the next day after he had the tattoo) , i always sing to him this song.., 🙂

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  • Tengrik McChonia Ralte says:

    No matter how much love hurts or scars. But i just wanted to say Nazarath your voice are really nice, then i love to hear this song. I know love hurts but still i am on it… Love to hear this song.

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