
Everybody need love but everybody is afraid of.... Timothy chiburre

End of life

i need to feel the icy cold blade on my wrist 1 more time just 1 more time... for all i know this could be the end of lifef live…


"A man can define many things beautifully in his life, but his character is one beautiful thing that can define him instantly and completely."~Anuj Somany


Not everything is understood the way it is presented and not everyone presents the way it is understood.- Anuj Somany

True Love

When you understand the reasons why we love, you will understand why there is no reason

The Best

The Best Relationship You Can Have Is The One With The Man Up Stairs Jesus Over Everything

Take The Pain Away

I cut myself in the dead of night when no one else can see and hope this time its deep enough to take the pain away from me I take…

Changed 4 u. . .

Changed 4 u. . . changed ma way of approach,chngd ma styl,changd ma thotz,changed ma world,changd me cmpletly. . changed me d way i tot u vud want me 2…

you have my heart

You have touched my heart in so many ways, i cant tell if it is beating...and if it is Why? you are not here with me...A teardrop is insignificant in…

Remembering me

Remembering who i am is like remembering the night before, Remembering all of the people i have lost in the past is like remembering my first kiss, Remembering our memories…

When I need you most

I'll whisper in your ear "I need you." I'll promise you myself that you'll always be there, You'll catch me when i'm about to fall, And you won't let anybody…

You r everything to me

you know when I open my eyes,after a deep long sleep,i always have you in front of me... i know dis is a bit stupid.. but by dis my heart…