Everyone says that love hurts, but thats not true. Loneliness hurts, Rejection hurts, Losing some hurts Everyone confuse these things with love, but in reality LOVE is the only thing…
My love for you knows no limits, it is timeless, space less, formless, unshakable and unbreakable In good times and bad, happy and sad, through the highest high and lowest…
One of the best feelings is knowing that you are wanted. Knowing that someone wants to talk to you. Want to know how are you doing.or wants to see you.…
There will come a time in your life when u become absolutely infatuated with a single soul. For this person you'd do anything and not think twice about it , but when asked…
Love comes when manipulation stops; when you think more about the other person than about his or her reactions to you. When you dare to reveal yourself fully. When you…