Will you Hug

I need a hug. A real one, though. Not those one-armed hugs or those awkward hugs where only your arms are touching. A tight one, where you’re close as possible…

Love is for me

I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to…

Choose the right friends

No matter whether you believe this or not, your friends command a major proportion of your destiny, they contribute largely to your future. Choose the right friends, keep yourself around…

Thanks for Sharing Life

On this day I'm hoping, Just the way I always do, That you will know the happiness That's mine because of you: And with all my love, as always, These…

Fresh Start

You must always have a fresh start about everything because loving becomes difficult when you have so many emotional and psychological baggage's. Forget about childhood melancholies, past hurts, and previous…

Know to Knew

It breaks my heart when ppl i know become pp i knew... when I used to sit and talk on the phone for hours Now we cant even look each…

Felt utterly nothing

Have you ever loved someone so deeply? Have you ever looked into her eyes and seen her heart? Have you ever wished just to hold her, not utter a word,…

Pick up the pieces

missing you has got to be the worst feeling ever, because when i think of you i think not only that you broke my heart but all the other times…

Before I sleep

Before I sleep and after I wake up and all the hours in between ... you occupy my mind. So, practically every moment of the day you are in my…

Love Hope

When u fall in a river there is a boat,when u fall in a well there is a rope,but when u fall in love,there is no hope